Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Late on Wednesday evening...

I have had a pretty creative spurt today! I did 3 layouts (two I can't reveal because they were done for a DT call). This is in between cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, grocery shopping and making dinner (Yummy! Fajitas!)
Anyhow, today's sketch is a fun one... A little more like my usual stuff, but I still like how it turned out :)

For the layout I did for this, I used some papers from Crate, Sassafras & RitaMarie & co. The ribbon is something I got in a swap and the chipboard is from Colorbok & Imaginisce. This is also the first time that I have used my sewing machine on a layout :)

I have also decided that for a bonus this week, I will share the layout I did for Spunky Scrappers last...unfortunately, this is the only way it will see the light of day other than the girls that were on the DT with me. I'd love to see what you do with it!

Not much chatter tonight... I'm a little sleepy, so until next time!